
Chatbots are the Future of Customer Engagement

Harness the Power of Chatbots to Increase:

chatbots increase satisfaction


Increasingly, consumers expect immediate answers to their questions, and chatbots delight customers by exceeding these expectations – driving up NPS & CSATs.

chatbots boost efficiency


Chatbots boost your team’s efficiency by handling FAQs or by engaging in preliminary conversations, saving your team time – and money. Chatbots can analyze inquiries and respond to general questions before customers begin to interact with real, human agents.

chatbots increase engagement


Chatbot conversations offer highly interactive ways to boost consumer engagement with your brand.

Virtual Sales assistant via chatbot

One way that Chatbots offer time-saving efficiency is by analyzing inquiries and responding to general questions before customers begin to interact with real, human agents. Before even beginning the conversation with the customer, the agent will have been provided with information about the customer inquiry –eliminating the time that would have initially been spent conversing with the customer – and increasing customer satisfaction by not requiring customers to repeat information in order to get assistance.

How do chatbots work?

Menu-Based Chatbots

menu-based chatbot conversation tree

Menu-Based Chatbots have a defined set of questions and answers. Customers navigate through sets of menu options to find the information they need.

Click here to learn more about chatbots strategies and best practices.

Conversational Chatbots

Conversational Chatbots are powered by AI engines which analyze free-form customer inquiries and respond accordingly, following a conversational style (see video, above).

customer service by chatbot flow

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Waterloo: 609 Kumpf Drive, Waterloo, ON  |  519.954.8591

Toronto: 33 Bloor St East Toronto