2-Way Text Messaging

Your Customers Demand Choice

67 %

of consumers want to text your business

According to an ICMI study, 67% of consumers say they want to text companies for customer service.

2-Way text messaging is the most convenient service channel: no calls to place, no waiting on hold or sitting in chat sessions. Text interactions enable a single agent to concurrently assist multiple customers. The benefits of text are as exciting for your company’s bottom line as it is for your customer.

Do you hear that?

That's the sound of your customers texting

Did you know that more than 40% of households in the United States don’t even have a home phone? These days everyone exchanges more text messages than phone calls.

This is why companies are rushing to launch text messaging for sales and customer service.

Contact ITC for a free demo and learn the secret to staying in touch with increasingly mobile customers.

Over 75% of North Americans use text messaging

Together we send about 72,760 messages per second

Millennials send and receive about 3,853 texts per month

Millennials are today’s emerging consumers; projected to account for 31% of our economy by 2020.

2-Way Text Messaging: How it Works For Your Business


of adults use a smartphone

  1. Select or text-enable your short code (5 or 6 digits), long code (10 digit number) or toll free number.
  2. Promote your new text contact number to your customers.
  3. Customers send inquiries to your new text number.
  4. Your team receives and responds to customer inquiries directly from a browser.

2-Way Text Efficiencies

Shorter Interactions:
Text messages are limited to 160 characters. Conversations are quick and replies are short. The average number of texts to resolve an inquiry is 8.2.

Concurrent Support:
Unlike 1-to-1 phone calls, agents can support multiple texting customers concurrently. While one customer is writing a text, agents respond to others. ITC users report that agents can concurrently support 3-to-5 customers in active discussions.

Operational Efficiencies: 
As a team, text customer service agents can produce higher occupancy rates across digital channels.

Easy for customers. Easy for you.

Provide enterprise-scale text support for your customers using the familiar contact handling processes your team already uses with traditional channels. Getting started with ITC is easy and we can help support your implementation every step of the way.

What Your Customers are Saying About Text Messaging:


“Text means customer service when I want it, where I want it. From my smartphone I can ask a question from anywhere and move on with my day.”


“I prefer to text when I need to contact a company because it’s a private way to connect while I am on the go.”


“I multi-task all day. I can’t be tied to a phone call. With text, I can engage while with my kids, tending to business or just spending my time, my way.”

Simply click to learn more about how ITC's Digital Desktop can work for you.

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